August 18, 2007


Bible prophecy can be divided into past fulfilled and future unfulfilled events. In the past, Bible prophecy has always been where a disaster of Biblical proportions would be looming and out of this impending disaster God would deem that certain individuals would survive. So God would go and communicate to those individuals two things which make up the criteria for Bible Prophecy:
1. He would forewarn them of the impending disaster (the prediction).
2. He would provide them with instructions on how to physically escape.
Noah’s Ark is the classic example.

God could have just let these certain individuals perish and start over, but He didn’t. Also, God could have diverted the disaster or He could have supernaturally raptured those individuals out of harms way, and again He didn’t. And the reason He didn’t was because these individuals faith was being tested. They had to have faith that God’s prophecy was going to happen, and to show they had the faith they had to physically follow His instructions. In short, they exercised their faith in God.

Future Bible prophecy is the same in that there is a disaster of Biblical proportion looming in our future. And out of this future disaster God has deem that certain Christian individuals will survive to Christ’s advent. Futuristically speaking, God has already communicated to the body of Christ the two criteria that make up Bible prophecy:
1. He has forewarned the future flood of persecution, Armageddon, the apocalypse etc found in the book of Revelation and other parts of the Bible (the prediction).
2. He has provided instruction of how to physically escape this future disaster.
What Christians fail to see is that God has provided these instructions on how to physically escape the coming apocalypse, to test those chosen individuals faith.

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